
Ludus is a discord bot created in 5 days during Discord Hack Week 2019.

You can add Ludus to your discord server or join our server. You can also check out our GitHub.


The command prefix is >.

command description
help Displays the help command. Expand
snakes Play snake battles. Expand
blackjack Play blackjack. Expand
8ball Let's play 8 ball. Expand
2048 Play 2048. Expand
meme Shows a meme. Expand
joke Tells a joke. Expand
comic Sends a comic. Expand
hangman Play hangman. Expand
chess Play chess. Expand
battleships Play battleships. Expand
connect4 Play connect 4. Expand
trivia Answer a trivia question. Expand
rockpaperscissors Play rock, paper scissors. Expand
wouldyourather Get asked a would you rather question, fetched from /r/wouldyourather. Expand
makememe Make your own meme! Expand
trending Fetch a YouTube video of the trending page. Expand
youtube Search for a YouTube video. Expand
tictactoe Play tic tac toe. Expand
emojistring Turns the text into emojis. Expand
score Displays your score. Expand
leaderboard Displays up to 10 users with the highest scores. Expand
website Links to our website. Expand
add Gives a link to add the bot to your server. Expand
server Gives a link to the official Ludus discord server. Expand
github Gives a link to the github. Expand
contributors Displays the contributors. Expand


manic #5170 (developer) - GitHub

sayersauce #4319 (developer) - GitHub

Alec #9598 (artist)

Installation instructions

Set up the bot

Config file

You need to make a config file to run the bot. Fill in config_example.json with the following details and rename it to config.json before running the bot for the first time.